Do Squirrels Eat Meat?

Squirrels are often seen running up and down trees, gathering acorns, and foraging for food. They’re primarily known for their love of nuts, seeds, and fruits. But have you ever wondered if squirrels eat meat? Despite their reputation as herbivores, squirrels are opportunistic feeders and may sometimes eat animal-based foods. While their diet mainly consists of plant matter, certain circumstances can lead squirrels to consume meat. In this article, we will explore Do squirrels eat meat, why they might do so, and what types of meat they might consume.

What Do Squirrels Normally Eat?

Before we dive into the question of whether squirrels eat meat, it’s important to first understand what they typically eat in their natural habitat. Squirrels are primarily herbivores, which means they mainly eat plants. However, their diet isn’t as simple as just nuts and seeds. Squirrels are opportunistic feeders, meaning they will eat whatever food they can find depending on availability and season.

1. Nuts and Seeds

Nuts are a major part of a squirrel’s diet. These small, energy-dense foods are high in fats and proteins, which help squirrels survive through colder months when food is less abundant. Some of the most common nuts squirrels eat include:

  • Acorns: These are a squirrel’s favorite food and are packed with nutrients. Squirrels will often gather acorns in the fall to store for winter. Acorns are rich in fat and protein, making them a perfect energy source.
  • Pine Nuts: Another nut found in pine cones, these are high in fats and proteins and are also a popular food choice for squirrels.
  • Sunflower Seeds: Common in urban areas, squirrels are often seen raiding bird feeders for sunflower seeds.

2. Fruits and Vegetables

Fruits and vegetables are another important part of a squirrel’s diet. They provide essential vitamins, minerals, and sugars that give squirrels the energy they need to stay active. Some of the fruits and vegetables squirrels commonly eat include:

  • Berries: Squirrels enjoy eating fruits like strawberries, raspberries, and blueberries.
  • Apples and Pears: These fruits are common in urban areas, where squirrels may find them on the ground after falling from trees.
  • Tomatoes and Carrots: Squirrels also munch on vegetables when they can find them, especially in gardens.

3. Tree Bark

During the winter months, when food becomes scarce, squirrels may resort to eating tree bark. They usually target the bark of softwood trees like pines and will strip it off to access the inner cambium layer, which provides nutrients.

4. Leaves and Mushrooms

In addition to the fruits and seeds mentioned above, squirrels also eat leaves and fungi, especially in the warmer months when these resources are abundant.

Do Squirrels Eat Meat

Do Squirrels Eat Meat?

While squirrels are mostly herbivores, they do occasionally eat meat. However, this is not the primary food source for them, and meat consumption is relatively rare compared to their usual plant-based diet. There are several reasons why squirrels might eat meat, and they tend to do so under specific circumstances.

1. Opportunistic Feeding Behavior

Squirrels are opportunistic feeders, which means that they will take advantage of whatever food is available to them. If they come across a source of meat, such as small dead animals or insects, they might consume it. While squirrels are not predators, they can be scavengers and will eat meat when the opportunity arises.

For example, if a squirrel encounters a dead bird or rodent, it may take advantage of the situation and consume the animal. This is especially true if the animal is small, easily accessible, and doesn’t require much effort to eat.

2. Insects and Eggs

Squirrels are known to eat insects, which are a source of protein. Insects such as grasshoppers, caterpillars, beetles, and crickets are often consumed by squirrels when they are available. Squirrels will sometimes raid bird nests and consume eggs or even young birds if they find them. This type of behavior is more likely to happen in the spring and early summer when bird nests are plentiful, and young birds are vulnerable.

3. Scavenging Behavior

In urban environments, squirrels often scavenge for food scraps, including meat. Squirrels will rummage through trash cans, dumpsters, and even outdoor grills in search of leftovers. If they find meat scraps like chicken bones or burger remnants, they may eat them.

This scavenging behavior is more common in cities where food sources are varied, and squirrels are used to being around human settlements. In the wild, squirrels typically don’t encounter meat as frequently but may still find it if they are scavenging for food.

4. Survival in Harsh Conditions

When food is scarce, such as during particularly harsh winters or droughts, squirrels may turn to meat as a survival tactic. In these situations, squirrels might be more willing to consume animal-based foods, such as insects, small mammals, or birds, to meet their nutritional needs. This behavior is more of a last resort than a regular dietary preference.

What Types of Meat Do Squirrels Eat?

Though squirrels are not natural predators, they may consume various types of meat depending on availability. The types of meat squirrels are most likely to eat include:

1. Small Mammals

Squirrels may occasionally eat small mammals like mice, shrews, or even baby rabbits. However, they don’t actively hunt these animals. Instead, they may eat them if they are already dead or injured. If a squirrel finds a small mammal carcass, it may nibble on the remains to obtain protein.

2. Birds and Bird Eggs

Squirrels are known to raid bird nests, especially during the spring and summer months. When a squirrel finds a nest, it may consume the eggs or even the young birds. This is a good source of protein for the squirrel, especially when other food sources are less available.

3. Insects

Insects make up a significant part of the meat in a squirrel’s diet. Squirrels will readily consume insects like grasshoppers, caterpillars, and ants. These insects are small, easy to catch, and provide a quick source of protein, which is vital for the squirrel’s energy needs.

4. Carrion (Dead Animals)

Carrion is another potential source of meat for squirrels. If they come across a dead animal, such as a rodent or a bird, they may scavenge it for food. Squirrels are not active hunters, but they will take advantage of dead animals they find in their environment, especially during times of food scarcity.

Do Squirrels Eat Meat

Why Do Squirrels Eat Meat?

There are several reasons why squirrels might include meat in their diet:

1. Protein Requirements

Squirrels need a good amount of protein to stay healthy, particularly during the breeding season when they are raising their young. Protein is also important for their growth and muscle development. While nuts and seeds provide a high-fat content, they are lower in protein. Meat, on the other hand, is rich in protein and provides the necessary nutrients for a squirrel’s survival.

2. Limited Food Sources

During the colder months, food becomes more difficult to find. Squirrels rely heavily on their food caches of nuts and seeds, but these supplies can run low. In such cases, squirrels may turn to alternative food sources, including meat, to meet their nutritional needs.

3. Opportunistic Feeding

Squirrels are curious animals and will often explore their surroundings for food. If they come across a source of meat, they will eat it, especially if they are hungry. Their opportunistic feeding behavior helps them adapt to changing conditions and find food when other options are limited.

How Often Do Squirrels Eat Meat?

While squirrels are capable of eating meat, it is not a regular part of their diet. Meat consumption is relatively rare and typically occurs when squirrels are unable to find enough plant-based food. During the winter months, when nuts and seeds are harder to find, squirrels may turn to meat more often. In urban environments, where food scraps are abundant, squirrels might consume more meat than those living in natural habitats.

Are Squirrels Healthy When They Eat Meat?

Squirrels are adapted to eat a varied diet, and consuming meat in small amounts is not harmful to them. However, meat should not be their primary food source. Squirrels need a balanced diet of nuts, seeds, fruits, and vegetables to maintain their health. Too much meat could lead to nutritional imbalances, as it lacks some of the essential vitamins and minerals found in plant-based foods.

Possible Health Issues from Eating Too Much Meat:

  • Nutrient Imbalance: A diet consisting too heavily of meat might lead to deficiencies in vitamins and minerals that are abundant in plant-based foods, such as vitamin C, which is important for the immune system.
  • Digestive Problems: Squirrels are not designed to process large amounts of meat. Overconsumption of meat could potentially lead to digestive issues.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

1. Do squirrels only eat plants?

  • Squirrels are primarily herbivores, but they will occasionally eat meat, especially in times of food scarcity.

2. Can squirrels eat human food?

  • Yes, squirrels can eat some human foods, like fruits, bread, and seeds, but processed foods should be avoided as they can be harmful to their health.

3. Do squirrels hunt for meat?

  • No, squirrels do not actively hunt for meat. They are scavengers and will eat meat if they find it, such as in the form of dead animals or bird eggs.

4. Are squirrels dangerous to pets?

  • Squirrels are not generally dangerous to pets. However, they can become aggressive if they feel threatened or cornered.

5. Can squirrels eat cheese?

  • While squirrels may eat cheese, it is not a natural part of their diet and should only be given in moderation. Dairy products are not ideal for squirrels, as they may cause digestive issues.


Squirrels are fascinating creatures with a varied diet. While they are mostly herbivores, they can and do eat meat on occasion, particularly when food is scarce or when they come across an easy-to-access animal-based food source. Squirrels are opportunistic feeders, and their diet may include a combination of nuts, seeds, fruits, vegetables, insects, and even small animals or bird eggs. While meat is not a major part of their diet, squirrels are adaptable creatures that will take advantage of whatever food they find. By understanding the squirrels’ diet, we gain insight into how these clever animals survive and thrive in both urban and natural environments.

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Do Squirrels Eat Meat

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